Problem-Solving Through the Eyes of Faith and Technology

Computer science is a field that is constantly evolving and has a significant impact on the world we live in today. By studying computer science, you will not only gain a deeper understanding of the technical aspects of computing but also develop your critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills that are highly valued in today's job market. Even more importantly, you will develop valuable perspectives on business and technological ethics, surrounded by a Christian worldview. 

Faculty Perspective on Faith and Educational Formation

Many students can learn how to code. Many students are learning how to infiltrate cyber systems in order to better understand how to defend against potential hacking attempts. What our students are able to engage with goes deeper than simply the technological expertise. Computer science students at LeTourneau University are guided through a journey that asks questions like: "Just because we can build this type of technology, should we? What is our responsibility as 'co-creators' of this world in the digital/technological spaces? How can technology be leveraged to alleviate suffering, and promote human flourishing, and what does true human flourishing actually look like? 

If any of these questions or topics interest you, and if you have a desire to build up the world of the future, computer science at LeTourneau University is ready to partner with you on that journey.