Vision & Mission


Claiming every workplace in every nation as our mission field, LeTourneau University graduates are professionals of ingenuity and Christ-like character who see life's work as a holy calling with eternal impact.



LeTourneau University is a comprehensive institution of Christian higher education where educators engage learners to nurture Christian virtue, to develop competency and ingenuity in their professional fields, to integrate faith and work, and to serve the local and global community.



LeTourneau University educates students who:

  • Demonstrate competency and ingenuity in their professional fields
  • Integrate Christian faith and work: understanding their vocation within the triune God's grand story of redemption revealed in Scripture
  • Engage the local and global community

LeTourneau University is an educational community that:

  • Fosters an engaging environment conducive to teaching and learning
  • Cultivates Christian virtue
  • Contributes to the enrichment and service of the local and global community