Enter the Growing Field of Computer Info Systems

A Computer Information Systems degree from LeTourneau University fuses computer science fundamentals and business concepts to create the ultimate foundation for a successful career designing, building, and implementing solutions to meet organizations' information technology needs around the world.

Our CIS programs will give you a solid foundation in programming and systems design and analysis courses, along with an understanding of the business environment in which you will be working. You'll learn information management and business skills that today's companies value.  Plus, the integration of a Christian worldview into analytical-, technical- and career-focused courses will help you understand how to integrate ethics, compassion, and collaboration into a high-tech environment.

Program Vitals

Program Credit Hours Delivery Method Catalog Tuition Financial Aid
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems 126


Catalog Link Tuition Link Financial Aid Link
Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems 129


Catalog Link Tuition Link Financial Aid Link

Experienced Faculty

Our computer science faculty are industry professionals with decades of experience—from a former Fortune 500 security analyst to a Fulbright Scholar—who value one-on-one personalized instruction and mentorship.

A Focused, Hands-On Approach

Our courses are designed to build students’ confidence and relevant knowledge by putting them in true-to-life situations that reflect issues current and future tech professionals face in the workplace.

As a CIS student at LETU, you’ll work with peers and instructors as collaborative partners to apply concepts of best practices in information technology management while working with stakeholders to identify computer information systems and security utilization needs.

Flexible Formats

With both on-campus and 100% online options at LETU, you can choose the CIS degree program that's right for you. On-campus classes are available in semester-long formats while most online courses can be completed in 7 weeks via an interactive environment that allows you to attend courses and complete assignments according to your schedule.