Visual Arts & Music Appreciation

Visual Arts

LeTourneau University's art teacher, Mr. Budd Dunn, has the ability to pull talent out of anyone, enabling students to create works they never thought possible.

  • HUMA1203 Drawing I is an entry-level course designed to improve students' drawing skills. Held on Tuesday nights from 6 to 9pm, students develop drawing skills using pencil, ink and charcoal to master shading, contour, gesture and perspective techniques.
  • HUMA1213 Drawing II features advanced drawing with dry media, creating original works with charcoal, graphite, pastel or colored pencils. Drawing I or equivalent experience are prerequisites.
  • HUMA1603 Painting I explores painting with oil and/or acrylics, and meets on Monday nights from 6 to 9pm.
  • HUMA1613 Painting II continues exploration in oil and acrylics.
  • HUMA1221 Mixed Media explores personal expression and the relationship between scale and image in a variety of formats and techniques. Drawing I, Painting I or equivalent experience are prerequisites.
  • HUMA1123 Introduction to Photography is a popular three-hour course meeting on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in the fall semester. Taught by local writer, publisher, editor and photographer Gary Borders, it focuses on the artistic and technical aspects of digital photography.

LeTourneau's School of Literature and Language Arts also offers the following visual media courses. While they're a required part of the Communication-Integrated Media Management major, these courses may be taken as electives by any interested student.

  • GDES2323 Visual Media I is a hands-on course in the use of current industry-standard communication tools to develop visual messages. Students use Adobe Photoshop to create and edit images and Adobe InDesign to produce page layouts.
  • GDES2333 Visual Media II builds upon skills mastered in Visual Media I. Students use Adobe Illustrator to produce vector-based illustrations and Adobe Dreamweaver to design, lay out and manage websites.

Please stay tuned for further offerings in the field of Graphic Arts.


Music & Art Appreciation

MUSC1303 Music Appreciation (view syllabus) is a 3-hour elective course that will fill your gaps in your knowledge of music. How did our music evolve to what it is today? What were Mozart and Beethoven really like? What was the music of the early church, and when was the piano invented? What is the difference between a concerto and a symphony? The course will end with a survey of the history of blues and jazz, musical theater, and rock 'n' roll.

In addition to broadening the student's experience of music, this survey course will strengthen one's grasp of the major periods of art, literature, philosophy, etc., which builds a framework for placing events in history. Music Appreciation is enthusiastically taught by Dr. Taylor on MWF from 1:55-2:50 in Heath-Hardwick 105.

HUMA1153 Introduction to Fine Arts is a three-hour course taught by Dr. Lesley-Anne Williams. Students will encounter the finest examples of the arts through the ages and examine the significance of art and its relationship to life, the Church, the Christian, and to the Christian's vocation.