What is Student Leadership at LETU?

Student Life equips students with tools to nurture their leadership skills, challenging them to grow and serve during their time at LeTourneau.

IMPACT is the organization that facilitates this by providing various leadership roles for students. Some of these roles are relational and ministry-oriented in nature, and some involve running programs like Intramurals and New Student Orientation. Read more about IMPACT here.

Within IMPACT, the Executive Cabinet represents the entire student body through elected leaders from LETU’s main student organizations: YAC, LSM, and Student Senate.

Once elected, these leaders meet with the Student Body President and the Vice President of Student Affairs to take on special projects, plan events, and address critical issues identified by the student body and its leadership.

Joe Ryan, Student Body President
Class of 2022, Mechanical Engineering 

What does student leadership mean to you?

"Something I've learned from others and tried to model is servant leadership. It's important to serve your community and try to be a link, a connection, for them to look toward. And that servant aspect is important: doing things behind the scenes and serving the population in ways they might never know."

What excites you about the future of LETU?

"I'm excited for the way our engineering program is going, and I'm also excited for the way other academic programs are going. We're so renowned for engineering, but I'm excited for Dr. Mason's Strategic Plan of developing our other majors and education endeavors. You can have 'vanilla', and maybe all engineers are the 'vanilla', but if you have different majors doing well, you have all the flavors that create a good variety."


Blake Everett, YellowJacket Activities Council (YAC) President
Class of 2023, Accounting 

How is community at LETU unique?

"It's the people that make the community unique. I don't know too many places where there's such a high percentage of homeschoolers or veterans or commuters or people who are passionate about their floor life, and they're bringing in all kinds of their own community, whether they realize it or not. So my job is to unify that and see across borders, so to speak."

What role do community and relationships play in impacting the world?

"I think that's one of our great callings: to be involved in community, especially good, Christian-centered community. If we can start that here at LeTourneau, we can show people that they can have fun and it can be good fun. Then, they can go out after graduation and seek that same kind of experience and community."


Joseph Wang, LeTourneau Student Ministries (LSM) President
Class of 2023, Computer Engineering

What does student leadership at LeTourneau mean to you?

"For me, as president of Student Ministries, it's working with students who also care about ministry. It's working with and empowering other students who want to serve on campus, help build a house with Habitat for Humanity, or go on a big spring mission trip, and it's working with the student leaders."

How would you say your position as President of Student Ministries has shaped or inspired you?

"I think just stepping into work that God has been working in this university for many years--not just the three years I've been here-- but since the school started. I feel like I'm part of something bigger, and I want to do a good job. But what matters during the year that I'm president is less important overall than what has happened in the past and what will happen in the future. I'm just a small part of that."


Nathan Moyes, President Pro Tempore of Student Senate
Class of 2023
Homeland Security

How does Student Senate play a role in shaping the community at LeTourneau?

"The success of any sort of change or culture in general is based entirely upon relationships. If we can establish that understanding between students and the university and faculty, then our campus can get a lot done for the culture and mission of LeTourneau beyond these 75 years we've had."

What excites you about the future of LeTourneau?

"For the student body, we're seeing a lot of good, positive change: people want to be passionate about their faith, their work, and engaging the community around them whether that's here at LeTourneau or back home. I see this happening through discussion in Student Senate, external ministry opportunities in churches, or Bible studies with friends."

Luke Avent, Vice President/President of Student Senate
Class of 2022
Electrical Engineering; CS/Math

What does student leadership mean to you?

"The Biblical term would be priest. In Dr. Mason's leadership course, he talks about the kingly leadership, the priestly leadership, things like that. So, an intermediary is a particular type of leadership needed and sometimes not thought about."

How does Student Senate play a role in shaping the community at LeTourneau?

"The attempt is to be a bridge between the administration and between students, because oftentimes, students don't necessarily see the administration as working in their best interests for whatever reason. So, you have to stand between them and seek clarity in communication."

Ally Busti, Cabinet Manager
Class of 2024, Communication: Integrated Media Mgmt.

How has being involved in Student Government impacted you?

"While I am not in a leadership role for the Executive Cabinet, I get to help make decisions and brainstorm with the other presidents about events and improvements. I am the media manager for the student body president, Joe Ryan. With my job, I get to help promote the things we talk about in our meetings through social media, graphics, and photography. This has allowed me to use my studies and skills for the student body in informative and fun ways."

In what ways are LeTourneau students equipped to help the world?

"LeTourneau offers its students the highest education while still maintaining Biblical principles. Not only are they taught everything they need to know for their majors, but they are taught theology, good communication, and excellent speaking skills. Students have many opportunities to work in student organizations, like Student Senate, YAC, or LSM. These organizations help students by applying their passions and their studies to benefit the student body."
