So...What Do I Wear to Work?


  • Present your best self every day! If you are new to an office, in an entry-level position, you should dress for the job you want to move of do's and don'ts for male work attire
  • Go for a "neat" with hair and clothes. When getting dressed, avoid wrinkled and worn-out clothing.
  • Ask your new manager or HR contact about the dress code before your first day. It shows you are a planner with forethought into company etiquette!
  • Invest in a pair of comfortable and classic work shoes!
  • Before investing in a brand new wardrobe once you start a new job, look around and see what people around you are wearing and notice if they dress different for different occasions.
  • Save money by having a "clothing swap" with friends! Items that you're tired of or no longer fit may be a new favorite for a friend and vice versa and allows you to replenish your wardrobe for free.
  • Wait until the day of your big interview or first day or work to select your clothes. Lay them out the day before and make sure everything is clean and neat.
  • Wear jeans or sneakers until you're certain when they are acceptable (i.e. Casual Fridays).
  • Forget personal grooming! Keep your hair and nails neat and clothing clean and wrinkle-free.


  • Tailored blazer, pencil skirt, fitted suit for interviews and dressier work events (black, navy or dark gray), tailored slacks (black or gray), comfortable pumps/flats/close-toe wedges (nude, black, gray or dark brown), cardigans, button up blouses, dresses that are no more than an inch above the knee (cardigans and blazers are great over sleeveless dresses)
  • It's fine to express some personality in your accessories and jewelry but make sure they are work-acceptable and not distracting.


  • Professional: white and blue cotton button-down dress shirts, black/dark gray or light pinstripe suit, khaki slacks, tie, dark leather shoes
  • Business Casual: collared shirts, khaki or navy slacks, leather belt, tailored sweaters, blazer, leather shoes
  • Tip: Keep a blazer at work in case you need to look dressier on the fly!


More "Casual vs. Professional" Tips: