Profile Photo: Joshua Raies


  • Distinguished Senior 2019

  • Kinesiology-Exercise Science

  • Midland, Texas

I do not know if I chose LeTourneau, as much as LeTourneau chose me. Coming out of high school I was mostly seeking to find a university where I could get a good education in kinesiology and play baseball. One of those is more difficult to find than the other. LETU's assistant baseball coach at the time saw me play in a tournament one weekend, about a month before the school year began and I began to have my eyes opened to the beauty of LeTourneau. By God's quiet, persistent grace, LeTourneau became the only possible place I could consider myself going to school because of the peace I felt in visiting campus and seeing the opportunity. I believe when God calls someone somewhere, he instills in them an unwavering peace because His intentions for them are wholly good. He proved faithful in those intentions, I would not trade the last four years for anything!

When I think about my time at LeTourneau, I would consider it to be far from ordinary. I came in assuming I was here to simply receive an education and play baseball and ended up having the privilege of serving the university on an incredibly large scale. I believe God has called all of His followers to be like Christ in practicing servant-leadership. That belief was made firm in my first year at the University. I immediately was plugged in to an incredible community of people who were like minded and ready to serve Jesus in whatever place we are in. This led to opportunities to serve incoming freshmen in their first year, as a Peer Advisor and eventually to where I have been blessed to serve as Student Body President. The world says that your college years are all about you. Jesus calls us as Christians to die to self. That includes your time in school. Yes, we honor God through working diligently in our studies, striving in athletic pursuits, and enjoying our leisure, but these moments are never simply for ourselves. They are meant to be platforms of service and care to those God surrounds us with. This is what the LeTourneau experience unique, there are no ordinary experiences. We are challenged to be extraordinary for the glory of God and the good of his people. LeTourneau helps you find ways to fulfill your call to leadership through service to others.

Something I have learned in my time at LeTourneau is the impact an investment can make. Not simply investing in yourself, but rather people. Self-sacrifice is a major component of what separates believers from the rest of the world. We follow in Christ's example when we take what was our own, and give it up for another. Our faculty and staff do this wonderfully here at LeTourneau. There have been many times different individuals have gone above and beyond in seeking to place me in a position to succeed and grow both in my profession and my faith. From their example I have been blessed to seek to make the same investment to others. I've learned that you will never regretting investing and pouring yourself out for another. There is no more noble of a cause than to do something for the sake of another and considering their needs before your own.