Dual Credit: In The Words Of A Student

When someone asks me “why are you taking dual credit” I typically think of how it shaves off time from college, or that it can save some money if you take enough credits to shave off semesters of full-time college. I think of how the classroom environment was a good new experience for me since I have been homeschooled. Yet overall, the best reason is that I feel a greater sense of confidence in my academic ability having gone through dual credit courses. I thought that a college classroom was going to be a lot scarier than it actually was. There is something about walking into a brand-new classroom, and not knowing anyone, not knowing the teacher – I just expected things to be more nerve-racking. Little did I know how much I would be benefited by that environment.

My parents really wanted me to go to a good school, and their thought was that even if the school was a bit more expensive, it would be worth it in the long run as long as the school had a good reputation and solid job placement. My parents did not put pressure on me in regard to cost, but I did like the idea of helping to take some of the financial weight off by achieving good grades, and earning this college credit early on. Dual credit has helped me incredibly with that goal, and I like that it prepared me for the workload that I will have so that I am even more capable of getting the grades I want.

LeTourneau’s dual credit scholarship also is pretty amazing. I do not know of any other college that would give a $16,000 per year scholarship just for passing one dual credit class. I know that some people are maybe not willing to try dual credit due to the perception that it will take too much additional time or work, but I think it is worth anyone’s time to take at least one class - especially since they are much cheaper than classes as a traditional student. I felt much better about college after taking my first dual credit class from LETU. I was so worried and stressed that I was not going to do well in a college class. After getting into the groove, I realized how supportive my professor was and I figured out how everything was structured, and I ended up doing really well in the class.

The fact that LeTourneau University is so intentional about living out the Christian faith in all that we do is particularly appealing to me both as a dual credit student, and as I prepare for my transition to the residential campus as a full-time student this fall. I think that using your work as a ministry is really important. The type of work that you do when you understand that God desires honesty and faith in your work – God will do great things through you if you let him. I always like the story if Williams Jennings Bryan. It’s not about whether he won or lost, but that he gave his all for what he believed in. Even when we are not successful in our endeavors, God receives glory when we defend our faith, and when our faith informs the work that we do.

I think I started dual credit primarily hoping for the cost saving benefit, and maybe to also be a bit more prepared for college classes. I have come out feeling more capable, inspired, and benefited in all areas. I have a new sense of feeling supported, guided, and that I have the ability to pursue more options than maybe I realized before.