Profile Photo: Ian Thompson


  • Distinguished Senior 2019

  • B.S. of Engineering, Materials Joining Concentration

  • Tokyo, Japan

My time at LeTourneau has been characterized by extraordinary depth and breadth. I have had the opportunity to experience academics, residence life, and extracurricular opportunities down to the newest engineering innovations, the late hours of the evening with guys on my floor, and the finals of intramural sport tournaments. But with this depth, I have also been able to have the breadth of theoretical research to making weld after weld in the lab, small adventures with my roommates to large shared events with other residence halls, and every YAC, LSM, club activity, or intramural sport available. All of this has been incredibly formational in who I am as an individual and what kind of an engineer, friend, and leader I will be.

The Materials Joining Engineering department offers excellent opportunities for students to explore the ever expanding world of joining methods and has a unique combination of the hands-on work of welding and the scientific and engineering breakthroughs being discovered. The faculty in the program are also passionate about the work that they do and have real-world experience out in the industry that they integrate into their teaching. God used this continuing progress combined with stellar faculty to lead me to the program and I have come to love every part of it!