Profile Photo: Charissa Puttbach


  • Distinguished Senior 2019

  • Civil Engineering

  • Charlotte, North Carolina

I chose to attend LeTourneau to pursue a civil engineering degree in a strong Christian community. My junior year of high school I visited and felt God calling me here; walking around campus for the first time felt like arriving at a new home. Deciding to move to Texas for my undergraduate education should have felt overwhelming since I had lived in New Jersey for my entire life, but God continued to open doors throughout the entire process. 

The best way to describe my time at LeTourneau is as both life-changing and life-giving. By attending LeTourneau, I have had the privilege of being a part of a strong Christian community that supports and encourages each other through tribulation and shares in their joy. I have gained life-long friends that have taught me a lot about myself and my relationships with others. These past four years have been a time of spiritual and intellectual growth as I have experienced the power and abundant grace of God in many aspects of life. His presence has guided me through a variety of on-campus leadership opportunities that have shaped me into who I am today, including Resident Assistant/Assistant Resident Director, Supplemental Instructor, Spring Break Missions trip leader, Vice-President of ASCE, and Senior Design team lead. 

One of the most influential aspects of my time here at LeTourneau has been the professors. My instructors have pushed me to pursue excellence in all aspects of life and have simultaneously provided the support and foundation needed to achieve it. They are great people who genuinely care about their students and give self-sacrificially every day to provide us with the best education possible. My civil engineering professors have facilitated deep discussions of faith both within and outside of the classroom as they strive to help us students grow spiritually and intellectually. The courses taught by these incredible instructors have provided projects and labs that supplement our theoretical learning and help us understand the course content in a hands-on way. My professors have had an immense impact on my life and have helped shape me into the Christian engineer I am today.