
Building on decades of applied research and innovative projects, the Engineering graduate program at LeTourneau University is one of the first to integrate faith in higher education as a key component, consistent with the LeTourneau legacy of engineering education from a Christian perspective.

The Master of Engineering (ME) is a 30-semester hour coursework, non-thesis option that requires three hours of Technical Reporting. This degree carries no research component and is typically funded by the student.

Students benefit from one-on-one interaction with their graduate advisor and are encouraged to contribute independent student academic excellence and research.

The Master of Engineering Program is designed to be completed in four semesters, but can be completed in less or more time, depending on the student's knowledge level and availability. Transition between the Master of Engineering and Master of Science in Engineering degree programs will be possible depending on the progress made and Graduate Committee approval.


LETU is known for the strength and ingenuity of its engineering programs. It takes innovators to change the world, and LETU students have been building the world's future for decades.

As an engineering grad student at LETU, you'll also benefit from:

  • Integrated research, education and Christian faith.
  • Close work with faculty adviser in a small school setting.
  • High-tech labs and the latest equipment.
  • Great facilities, where you can stay up half the night tweaking your latest projects


The Master of Engineering degree from LETU is expected to result in:

  • Advanced industry career placement
  • Higher starting salaries ($10-15K more than those without a Master's degree)
  • Additional preparation for technical management and experience toward PE licensure in other areas of engineering

Mechanical, Electrical, Biomedical and Materials Joining/Welding specializations can be attained by taking dual and graduate-level courses under the guidance of an engineering thesis advisor. Common courses taken applicable to all areas are Advanced Mathematics, Numerical Analysis, Research Methods and Advanced Non-Destructive Evaluation. Examples of current graduate courses offered are listed here.

LETU offers help in placing graduates via its Careers Office that organizes interviews and a yearly Career Fair. In 2011, over fifty medium- and large-size companies came to campus to search for quality graduates. Over 90% of engineering graduates found employment within six months of graduation during the past decade.