
This degree is the apex of aviation preparation - It allows you to fly professionally, but also gives you in-depth training in aircraft systems.

On graduation day, you'll have earned approximately 220 flight hours as well as your airframe and powerplant (A&P) aircraft maintenance certificates. This will prepare you for a breadth of career options in commercial aviation, corporate aviation, mission aviation, aircraft maintenance and more.

At LETU, we do more than simply say we're a Christian flight school - Our faith is authentic and our commitment to Christ encompasses everything we do. That's why employers will notice the difference in your Christian education as you work with technical expertise, integrity and professionalism.

Certifications you will earn:

  • Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) Technician Certificate
  • Private Pilot Certificate
  • Commercial Pilot Certificate
    • Instrument Ratings
    • Single Engine
    • Multi-Engine

Optional certifications:

  • Flight Instructor Certificate
    • Instrument Ratings
    • Single Engine Airplane
    • Multi-Engine Airplane

Whether you want to do aviation maintenance, fly commercial airliners around the world, or fly military aircraft, this major is for you. From aerobatics to avionics, it's for those who want to keep their career options open and seek a greater understanding of the aviation industry rather than pursue flight or maintenance training alone.

For more information, view the course sequence.

What can you do with this degree?

Our school is a nationally recognized leader in both flight and maintenance training. When combined, our maintenance training (A&P) program and our commercial pilot school, will prepare you to be the consummate aviation professional.

As a graduate of this program, you will have the flexibility to work as a professional pilot or mechanic. Or, if you prefer, you could do both. Regardless of your career path, you will find that your technical expertise in the various aircraft systems, and your skills as a pilot will set you apart.

Careers include:

  • Professional airline pilot
  • Corporate pilot
  • Air taxi pilot
  • Aircraft technician
  • Technical writer
  • Corporate aviation or airline company trainer
  • Emergency Medical Services (EMS) pilot
  • Agricultural pilot