Sign Up for Spring Break Mission Trips Sign Up for Spring Break Update Newsletter
Agape, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
We are excited to partner again with Centro Cristiano Agape whom have hosted LETU students as far back as 1987. This is your chance to truly experience another culture and become family with our neighboring brothers and sisters following Jesus in their own language, culture, and context. We will be staying with local Christian families doing needed construction projects and outreach in partnership with the church staff. Final cost will be announced to people who sign up. The cost includes airplane tickets. Passports are required.
Beach Reach, Texas
Provide a Christian witness to fellow college students with Beach Reach! Help serve free pancake breakfasts, provide safe rides for those who party all night, and share the gospel with students your age on South Padre Island.
JAARS, North Carolina
Students participating in this trip will be working closely with JAARS staff on any aviation projects currently in process at the time of the trip.
LeTourneau for Life - East Texas
Participants on this trip will stay on campus for the week of Spring Break. Each day they will travel to a different Pro-Life facility/ministry to assist with special projects. Throughout the week students will learn about the Pro-Life ministries in East Texas and get an opportunity to be a part of advocating for the lives of the pre-born.
LightSys Technology Services, Colorado
Use your software development skills in missions work! Serve alongside LightSys as they serve missionaries and ministry organizations through technical support!
MMS Aviation, Ohio
Interested in aviation maintenance? At MMS Aviation, you can be directly involved in assisting with maintenance, modification, and repair of missionary aircraft.
Oaxaca, Mexico
Students will work alongside Gracia Abundante Church on a building project to meet the needs of a local church member.
Tri-Grace Ministries, Utah
Partner with a college ministry engaging students in evangelical outreach as you share the light of Christ and reach across cultural borders in Mormon Utah.
UIM Aviation, El Paso/Tuscan/Mexico
This aviation focused trip will allow students to visit tribal works and airstrips in two Mexican villages. Additionally student will work on airplane and hangar projects under the supervision of certificated mechanics and inspectors. This trip's ministry will be in partnership with Ethnos 360.
Spring Break Missions Highlights 2022
Student-driven, student-led, Christ-centered. Every Spring Break, LeTourneau Student Ministries (LSM) sponsors mission trips around the continent. The lives of those who participate are changed forever.