Dual Credit Resources

  • Technical Support
  • Academic Support
  • Dual Credit Handbook
  • Transcript Request


When is my LetNet account created if I am a dual credit student?
If you are a dual credit student, your account is created when you are accepted to the program. You will receive notification upon your acceptance, via email, with instructions for creating your LetNet account. In addition, you will receive your student ID, which will remain the same during your entire academic career at LeTourneau University. Generally this will take place within 48 hours of your acceptance, but at times it might take a little longer. 

So, what happens when I create my LetNet account?
For one thing, an @letu.edu email address is created for you, and you'll gain access to the LetNet Webmail system. Be sure to check your @LETU.edu email inbox daily. This is the only email your instructor will use to communicate with you. You will also receive specific course instructions and campus announcements at your LETU email address.

What do I do if I still need more help?
If you still need more help, you will want to talk to someone in our IT department. Technicians are available for extended hours to help you get everything set up and working as quickly as possible. Click here for information on requesting help, hours of availability, and locations.



The Writing Center provides LeTourneau dual credit students with feedback on any type of written assignment—essays, job applications, reports, creative writing projects, and more. Our student tutors offer one-on-one writing tutorials to help you write effectively in all disciplines. Services are provided on the main campus and virtually for remote students.


Our tutors can help you meet the challenge of effective college level writing by providing tips on:

  • Brainstorming paper ideas
  • Transitioning between sentences, paragraphs, or ideas
  • Improving organization
  • Using correct grammar and punctuation
  • Citing sources correctly
  • Using evidence effectively
  • Refining sentence structure and word choice

Please submit your paper directly to the Writing Center by emailing WritingCenter@letu.edu.

Learn More About
The Writing Center



LeTourneau University provides our dual credit students with online tutoring from Tutor.com. Many students have already used Tutor.com and have found the tutors to be very helpful.

Some of the subjects available include: 

  • Math
  • Writing
  • History
  • Business (including accounting, economics and finance)
  • Computer Science (including MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint)

Students can sign up by clicking on a link in their online course in Canvas. Contact Tessa Stinnett if you attend a partner school and wish to use tutor.com services.


Need help with your research paper? Need help with accessing databases? Don't know where to begin?


The library staff and student workers can assist you with your research questions.



LeTourneau University offers additional support to students with Autism. For more information about the Bridges Program, please click here.

Requesting a Transcript

If you need an official transcript for your high school or another college/university, follow the link below to request one through the Registrar’s office. There is a small fee.

Order an Official Transcript

If you are looking for a grade report or an unofficial transcript, you can login to your MyLETU account, follow the link in the sidebar that says “My Grade Report”. There will be a drop down menu for you to select the appropriate semester. These are printable.